How to cancel an order before payment and after payment?

We at are aware that you might occasionally need to cancel an order. Here are some tips to assist you in canceling your order.

You don't need to get in touch with us to cancel an order if you haven't paid for it yet. Please be aware that until an equivalent payment is received, we won't process any orders. There is no need to be concerned if you haven't paid for your purchase because we aren't processing it.

Please be aware that you might not be able to revive your order or invoice by submitting a payment if it has been more than a week since you placed it. This is due to the possibility that the item pricing, delivery costs, and market price changes have all altered. You might need to place a fresh order in this situation.

However, if you have already paid for an order and wish to cancel it, please get in touch with us right away. We'll do all we can to help you with the cancellation procedure. Please be mindful that there will be a restocking charge assessed when you return a product that is not damaged. More information is available on our return policy page.

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We accept purchase orders from all business entities, corporations, school systems (private & public), government agencies, colleges, universities, and libraries.